ExtRa 0rdeRs in JunE

eiqa ckp nk p0s chocz niw, h0pe selamat smpi lar yea... — with Efendy Ahmad and Eiqa Amoi Mehh.

sowey dear pic xterang, my sis amek...if ur pic clear, plz tag 2 my fb...thanks dear...

dear sarah, s0 sad tgk pic u...next time bg pic yg terang kay...br cantik...hehehe...apewpun thanks dear... — with Fitri Sara.

h0pe oreo chocz can make b0th of u hepy..thanks dear..next time order g kay... — with Perry Martin and Siti Norfaiza Daud.

niw ch0cz sempena my parents wedding anniversary ... — with Nur Farhana, Qa Qai and Nz Naz.