Khamis, 23 Jun 2011
ExtRa 0rdeRs in JunE

eiqa ckp nk p0s chocz niw, h0pe selamat smpi lar yea... — with Efendy Ahmad and Eiqa Amoi Mehh.

sowey dear pic xterang, my sis amek...if ur pic clear, plz tag 2 my fb...thanks dear...

dear sarah, s0 sad tgk pic time bg pic yg terang cantik...hehehe...apewpun thanks dear... — with Fitri Sara.

h0pe oreo chocz can make b0th of u hepy..thanks time order g kay... — with Perry Martin and Siti Norfaiza Daud.

niw ch0cz sempena my parents wedding anniversary ... — with Nur Farhana, Qa Qai and Nz Naz.
Jumaat, 10 Jun 2011
:: jUnE 0rDeRS ::

niw tempahan dr diana tok ari jadi mak nye...thanks dear coz tempah dr MizZ yNa Ch0cZ...

niw pun tempahan dr diana tok ari jadi gak tp t0k wat buah atieny...huhuhu...thanks dear coz tempah dr MizZ yNa Ch0cZ...

RM 2.50 per pc...1 box RM 15...June promotion.... — with Nurul Hasrina and AdiLa Wan YusOff.

to hasrina...thanks dear coz ordering 0reo ch0cz from MizZ yNa Ch0cZ... — with Nurul Hasrina.

to adila thanks dear coz 0rder from MizZ yNa Ch0cZ.... — with AdiLa Wan YusOff


Dikuasakan oleh Blogger.

Chocolate Menu

Types of Chocolate
* Dark Chocolate
* Milk Chocolate
* White Chocolate

Filling Flavor
* Mocha
* Nut
* Oren
* Strawberry
* Vanilla
* Blueberry

Chocolate Mould
* Block
* Leaf
* Love
* Rose
* Square
* Strawberry
* Shell

LoliChoc Mould

* Love
* Bear

Oreo Mould

* Plain
* Flower
* Edible Image

* Apple Green
* Black
* Blue
* Purple
* Red
* Rose Pink
* White
* Black

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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MizZ yNa ChOcZ
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