Isnin, 21 Mac 2011
m0rE oRdeRS on mArcH!!!

9 pralines ceklat pelbagai perisa...dayah pesan xyah2 tulis2 coz nak wat mkn2 jew...thanks time order g kay...

niw pun d design sendiri oleh yatie gak...hope same lar mcm yg dminta kay...thanks dear coz order it...

hantaran tema biru+putih...slmt btunang faizul & mazlina.... — with Wan Soleha Wan Emran, Wawa Wahida and Syed Fiqry Al-Mahdzar.

order niw d design sendiri oleh cik yatie...itam putih....hope u like it..

to syahada....thanks dear coz order it...hope u like time order g kay...

harge tok 1 box bgantung pd byk mane u amek...utk wedding kak zura niw 1 box only RM1.80...

kak zura nak theme merah+itam for her wedding door gift...

request box kaler purple...35 pralines ceklat pelbagai syda hope u like it.... — with Syda Esmil.

niw order dr syuk ddw...nak bw blik perak...amboi bkn maen jauh g ceklat g bjalan...huhuhu... — with Irkuys Ilaj.

to d berikan utk buah atie ina...white+purple...oreo crumbs+ceklat cips... — with Fazzlina Ishak and Faizal Helmy.

Isnin, 14 Mac 2011
m0rE MAC oRdeRS !!!

SORRY...hope n ceklat niw dpt pujuk atie seseorg...huhuhu...

pink putih...plain+badam ceklat...pilihan atie zalikha sempena majlis pertunangan...

nak theme colorful..nak meriah katenye...cantik kan...ase pun cdap.... — with Aku Gajet.

niw order dtg dr jauh...dr peneng taw...thanks dear coz support my biz... — with Aku Gajet and Fara Nadiah.

order niw dtg nye dr my students from kncc...nk tema i come out with white+pink...with full lurve ceklat.... — with Mohd Izzat Khairi.

Sabtu, 5 Mac 2011
MAC oRdeRS !!!

order dr hidayah ddw...i wat spesel skit tok wording ceklat...buh bijan...wangi..

ceklat oreo utk ephy...2nd time order...xyah kaler2 ephy ckp sebab nak mkn sndri jew....

niw tok promotion tp dah ended pun...last month pnye promotions...

niw 2nd order dr Pn Nisa...utk d beri kpd kwn...HASLINA...

niw dah jd feveret item kat MiZz yNa Ch0cZ...ceklat in box lurve... — with Aku Gajet, Yatie Yatt, Rahimah Saliheen and Eyfa Siti Zalifah.

dr En Sani kpd wife...theme gold...MizZ yNa Ch0cZ mgucapkan SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU KPN EN SANI DAN PN IDA...

dr Pn Ida tok husband...theme silver....MizZ yNa Ch0cZ mgucapkan SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU KPD IDA & SANI...


Dikuasakan oleh Blogger.

Chocolate Menu

Types of Chocolate
* Dark Chocolate
* Milk Chocolate
* White Chocolate

Filling Flavor
* Mocha
* Nut
* Oren
* Strawberry
* Vanilla
* Blueberry

Chocolate Mould
* Block
* Leaf
* Love
* Rose
* Square
* Strawberry
* Shell

LoliChoc Mould

* Love
* Bear

Oreo Mould

* Plain
* Flower
* Edible Image

* Apple Green
* Black
* Blue
* Purple
* Red
* Rose Pink
* White
* Black

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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MizZ yNa ChOcZ
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