MAY oRdeRS !!!

12 pralines pelbagai perisa....mix color...biru+oren+ijau...thanks aien...byk u tempah yea dear..yg niw tok mkn sendiri... — with Norain Salleh

niw tempahan dr aien gak..sempena mothers day...sweet daughter... — with Norain Salleh.

tempahan niw tok ibu+syafiq...thema putih+biru....9 praline perisa coklat chips...

another tempahan dr aien, my dearest...25 praline...merah+putih+pink+itam..tok besday buah atienye...hope ur b0y lurve it... — with Norain Salleh.

9 n kaler rahimah sendiri yg design...dear, hope u like it...thanks... — with Rahimah Saliheen.

tempahan niw sempena hari ibu...9 praline merah nye bile mix n putih cam dh jadi pink gak...sowey dear...

another tempahan to hari ibu...tema feveret color as well...h0pe u n ur m0o like it...thanks dear... — with Firda Watie.

niw semua tok tempahan arini jew...h0pe all my customer satisfied with all my c0klats...all feedback are really appreciated...million thanks... — with Nurul Hidayah Abd Rashid and Firda Watie.

niw tempahan dr faiz sempena majlis akikah anaknye...thanks faiz...duit baki lupe nk bagi...hehehehe... — with Mohd Faez Saharudin.

tema ijau+putih...12 pralines flavor oreo crumbs...tok ibu tsyg...selamat hari ibu... — with Nurul Hidayah Abd Rashid.

35 pralines mix falv0r...oreo crumbs n ceklat chips...tempahan dr atifah anis...thanks time order lg kay...

actually dew lg design yg laen...cume yg niw feveret...sesuai tok happy m0thers day...